About 'biography of john mccain'|A Biography of John McCain
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice denies rumors that she is seeking the Vice Presidential spot on the 2008 Republican ticket. On the Sunday, April 6, 2008 broadcast of This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Republican strategist Dan Senor claimed that Rice was actively "campaigning" to be John McCain's running mate. Senor said that Rice has been schmoozing with the Republican Party Establishment, citing her appearance at the weekly meeting of Grover Norquist's Americans for Tax Reform organization. Senor told Stephanopoulos, "Ten days ago, they had an interesting visit -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice -- the first time a secretary of state has visited the Wednesday meeting." Some political pundits believe that Condoleezza Rice would be a good choice for Veep due to John McCain's emphasis on experience during his campaign. She would be the ultimate balancing act, as Rice -- as an African American woman -- would bring gender and racial balance to the GOP ticket. Senor feels that one of Rice's greatest advantages is her notoriety: Condi Rice is a known quantity, and unlike a relative unknown such as Florida Governor Charlie Crist or Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, the American public already are familiar with her. Senor said that putting Rice on the GOP ticket would save the McCain campaign from having to spend time introducing the Vice Presidential nominee to the American public, if the choice is a governor lacking national exposure or a relatively unknown member of Congress. "The challenge they're realizing is that they'll have to have to spend 30 to 45 days, which they won't have at that point, educating the American public about who this person is." Rice also has the gravitas that is fitting for the Vice Presidency, the chief role of which is to take over the Oval Office should the President die or be incapacitated. That issue likely will be at the forefront of the campaign, as the 74-year-old John McCain will be the oldest Presidential nominee from a major party in U.S. history. Ronald Reagan was 69 years old when he won his first term as President in 1980, and he seemed to suffer from the Alzheimer's disease that eventually afflicted him as early as his first term, although his cognitive problems might have been related to the physical terrible trauma he suffered from his near-assassination on March 30, 1981. The more relevant example is Bob Dole, who was 73 when won the 1996 GOP nomination. During the '96 campaign, Dole made several gaffes related to memory-lapses akin to that recently made by McCain in Iraq, which the 2008 GOP nominee-presumptive termed a "senior moment." Even more relevant is the three operations that John McCain has undergone for skin cancer. In three separate procedures, malignant melanomas have been excised from McCain. The chances of a person having three incidences of malignant skin cancer is between !% and 2%. McCain has not released detailed information related to his cancer. The life-expectancy of a 74-year-old man is 10.1 years, but John McCain is a cancer survivor, and the Oval Office has a way of aging even a young man such as Bill Clinton, who was 46 when he became President. Thus, a youthful alternative with the ability to take over at a moment's notice is essential for the job described as being "a heart-beat away from the Presidency." The Republican Vice Presidential nominee might very well become the next President of the United States. According to Senor, the 53-year-old Condoleezza Rice "is someone who people instantly say, the second they see that announcement, 'I get it, that person could be president tomorrow.'" The McCain campaign has denied that Condi Rice is under consideration for the vice president. It is difficult to think of John McCain, with his old-fashioned ways fashioned in the pre-integration, pre-Tailhook U.S. Navy of two generations ago accepting a black woman as his running mate. McCain's attitude towards women likely is as old-fashioned as his Cold War-era politics -- he still believes that the U.S. could have won the Vietnam War. In a new biography that will soon be published, Cliff Schecter's The Real McCain, it is revealed that the hotheaded Arizona Senator used the "C-word" to describe his wife by before campaign aides and reporters. This might not be the kind of man that Rice could serve, unlike reformed frat boy George W. Bush, who has been scandal-free for decades and treats his wife and children respectfully. On her part, Condi Rice publicly eschews elective office and says she plans to return to Stanford University at the end of the Bush Administration. She taught political science at Stanford and was the provost of the university. The Associated Press quoted a statement that Rice made at a State Department news conference held on Tuesday, April 8th, in which the Secretary of State praised McCain but squelched rumors that she was a candidate for higher office. "Senator McCain is an extraordinary American, a really outstanding leader and obviously a great patriot. That said, I am going back to Stanford, back to California, west of the Mississippi," Rice told the press. "I very much look forward to watching this campaign and voting as a voter." The floating of the idea of Rice for Vice President is strange, as there is no realistic chance the Secretary of State would be put on the ticket. To put Condoleezza Rice on the Republican ticket would essentially mean that John McCain was running for a third term for George W. Bush, who is extremely unpopular. It would also be regarded as a stunt, to counter Barack Obama -- the first serious African American candidate for the Presidency. Although it is unlikely a Republican ticket with Rice would draw much support from the African American community, it might be perceived as a pitch to disgruntled female supporters of Hillary Clinton who might balk at voting for a Democratic ticket that did not contain Hillary. Furthermore, having Rice on the ticket would do nothing to shore up McCain's suspect support from right-wing evangelical Christians, a critical voting block within the Republican Party. As an African American who just might become president, Rice also would prove a turn-off to the anti-affirmative action, anti-civil rights white vote that has provided the margin of victory for the GOP in the Southern states. Condoleezza Rice's relationship with Stanford University employee Randy Bean, another unmarried woman, is another factor. Rumors that Rice is a lesbian likely prevents Rice from having a career in elective office as a Republican. Rice and Bean, who has the title "Executive Producer of Special TV Projects" at Stanford, own a house together and share a line of credit, giving credence to the rumors that the Secretary of State is, in fact, a lesbian. Many gays, in fact, believe her to be one of their own, but deeply in "The Closet." Although the GOP contains many closeted homosexuals, the "outing" of her relationship with Bean would create a backlash against her as the Republican Party is hostile to gay rights. Aside from her personal life, Condi Rice is an enigmatic figure in many ways. The daughter of two college professors, she was raised in the segregated Birmingham, Alabama of the Jim Crow 1950s and '60s and was tangentially involved in one of the most horrific moments in the history of U.S. race relations. Yet, despite the fact that her childhood friend, 11-year-old Denise McNair, was one of four girls killed in the infamous 1963 bombing of Birmingham, Alabama's 16th Street Baptist Church, Rice eschewed involvement in the civil rights movement. As a rising academic star, her focus was the Cold War and the Soviet Union. The history of national electoral politics and the Electoral College has seen the realignment of the "Solid South" -- and its huge block of electoral votes in Presidential contests -- from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party as a majority of whites migrated to the GOP after the extension of civil rights to blacks in the 1960s. Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were all essential players in turning the Party of Lincoln, the Great Emancipator who was hated throughout the South as the conqueror of the Confederate States of American, into a racist-friendly party. The Solid South shifted from the Democrats to the Republicans, who now dominate the GOP and Congress much as they did when they were Democrats. After watching the 1984 Democratic Convention, Rice says she became a Republican, thus joining the party that a great many southern racists adopted as their own after the Democratic Party became home to African Americans after Lyndon Johnson and a Democratic Congress passed civil rights legislation ending segregation and guaranteeing the right to vote to black folk. The Republican Party now is home to unreconstructed white bigots of the stripe of former Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, who once was the Majority Leader of the Senate. This is the party the African American Rice joined. Her membership in the GOP elucidates a high degree of ambivalence. Part of the speculation about Rice and the Vice Presidency is rooted in the fact that the Secretary of State has been publicly musing about issues that she has not touched on in the past. Her expertise is national security, but recently she has been talking about civil rights. The rise of Barack Obama, who is mixed-race but identifies as African American, likely has touched her, as it has her predecessor as Secretary of State, Colin Powell, who also is African American. (It is believed Powell is supportive of an Obama Presidency.) Rice says she joined the GOP as the Democrats saw black folk and women as "victims," and she hated to be patronized. Obama, with his modern message of reconciliation of the races, does not play on victimology. (That niche is reserved by his rival for the Democratic nomination, the intensely privileged Hillary Clinton, who plays the same kind of old-fashioned "victim" politics as her friend Geraldine Ferraro, the 1984 Democratic nominee for Vice President, who was elevated at the '84 convention that turned Condi Rice away from the Democratic Party.) If Condoleezza Rice does have political aspirations, they most likely would be centered on California. Moderate-to-conservative Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein is 75 years old and her term will be up in 2012. It is unlikely that Rice's sexual orientation would be held against her in California, except, perhaps by militant gays who would want to "out" her. As a political act, Condi Rice's outing by militant gays essentially would serve as a complaint about her lack of support for the gay community and serve to underscore the hypocrisy of her party. If she were outed in California, it would make little difference. Most gays and straights in tolerant California likely would look beyond personal issues pertaining to sexual orientation and focus on her resume. Dianne Feinstein hasn't had a serious challenge since when she was first up for reelection in 1994, when she was almost beaten by Michael Huffington, who interestingly, came out of the closet as a homosexual shortly thereafter. Feinstein will be 79 years old in 2012, and likely will step aside, leaving an open seat and a chance for Rice to go back to Washington in the prestigious role of U.S. Senator, if she should chose to run. The Republican Party in California has lacked attractive candidates with state-wide pull for a generation now. Condi Rice might just fulfill their need for a candidate, other than Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, with mass appeal. Schwarzenegger succeeded because he was a movie star, and it can be said that Condi Rice also is a celebrity. Barbara Boxer, the junior Senator from California, will be up for reelection in 2010, but she has yet to face a serious challenge from a Republican since her first election two decades ago. Boxer, one of the most liberal Senators, will be only 70 in 2010 and still in her prime. While Condi Rice might want to sharpen her campaign skills in a challenge to the formidable Boxer, she could wait two years until 2012. Dianne Feinstein's vacant seat likely would be the best option for her, if she wants a political career. Sources: ABC New, "Dan Senor: Condoleezza Rice Is Pursuing the VP Spot" Voice of America, "Condoleezza Rice Downplays Speculation on Vice Presidential Run" FoxNews, McCain Rice Ticket? The Times (London), "Gay rumours eclipse Condi's glory moment" Pravda, "Condoleezza Rice may have lesbian affair with filmmaker from California" PrideSpot, "Neo-Condoleezza Rice & her main Bean" |
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