About 'john mccain illegal immigration'|Obama Describes his Position on Illegal Immigration: "My Position Has Been Very Similar To John McCain's"
The latest proposal to fix immigration has seen the light of day. The negative reaction from both the right and a good part of the left have proven at least one thing. Nothing good can lurk inside a bill that contains hundreds of pages of legal trickery cooked up in the middle of the night by the likes of Teddy Kennedy and John McCain. The best that can happen is that this monstrosity be deep sixed straight away. Maybe then the anger of the Republican base will have cooled sufficiently by the 2008 election that another debacle (at least in the Congressional elections) will not ensue. One could thing has occurred because of this attempt to jam this idiocy down the throats of the American people. The Presidential hopes of John McCain have been destroyed forever and for all time. The Republican nominee for President will likely be either Mitt Romney or Fred Thompson, both worthy gentlemen quite capable of putting the Wicked Witch from Chappaqua in her place. (1) So what would a real immigration reform bill look like? I mean not just one that is designed to appeal to business that want battalions of cheap workers and liberals who want regiments of reliable, Democrat voters. Here follows my modest proposal(1) Secure the border. That would seem to be a no brainer, which it is for everyone but certain politicians in Washington. The mechanics are simple. Build the Fence. Deploy the predator drones, sensors, and infrared cameras. Beef up the Border Patrol. And when the illegals are caught sneaking across the border, throw them back forthwith after a brief stay in an uncomfortable place modeled after Sheriff Joe Arpaio's tent city prison. And, while we're at it, let's set up a fool proof system to catch people who over stay their visas, like the 9/11 hijackers. (2) Deal with the twelve million or so already here. There are some parts of the Kennedy-McCain bill that make sense, though I would go farther. By all means make them pay a hefty fine, back taxes, and other costs in order to get legal residency documents. But I would forever and for all time disqualify these illegal immigrants from becoming citizens. They can continue to hew the wood and draw the water, as it were, but having broken the law to get in, they will never be allowed to participate in the running of the American Republic. Illegals who have committed crimes will be deported. The American born children of these illegals will be allowed to apply for citizenship once they achieve certain education and income qualifications that will ensure that they will likely not be a burden on the public purse. (3) Procedures for legal immigration should be streamlined, with preferences given to people with certain skills, such as doctors, scientists, and engineers. People can also buy their way in, since the ability to make money is certainly a skill desired in a citizen of the United States. (4) A guest worker program for unskilled labor (farm workers for instance) should be set up, with safeguards to make sure participants don't overstay their visas. Tagging them with a RFID device would be one idea. |
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John Mccain Illegal Immigration - Blog Homepage Results
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