About 'email address for john mccain'|McCain's American Idol Makeup Artist Takes Email Address, Phone Number Off Website
Dayton, OH - In Dayton, Ohio, on Friday, I listened along with 15,000 other Republicans as John McCain surprisingly announced that Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, was to be his vice presidential running mate. It was a moment that brought both surprise and pride from me as a Republican woman. I stood there in the Edward J. Nutter Center with my 18-year-old son and watched history be made. The McCain campaign did a great job leading up to this announcement as no one knew exactly who he would be naming today. There had been lots of talk of Joe Lieberman, Tim Pawlenty and Mitt Romney. There was even talk that Mitt Romney was in Dayton, Ohio. But in the end they all turned out to be mere red-herrings compared to the real candidate he had selected for the job. As a John McCain precinct captain this year, I have been receiving all the emails announcing the events for John McCain. I was very excited when I opened up my email a week ago and saw that I could register for tickets to the "Road to the Convention" rally. I immediately signed onto JohnMcCain.com and put in my reservations. When I picked up my tickets at the Centerville Republican Victory office near my home there was a line and the people were excited. On Thursday night I heard the reports on CNN that they were having trouble filling the 10,000 seat stadium for the rally the next day and I found that extremely hard to believe. The traffic that we sat in on Friday morning for over an hour that led to the stadium continued to fuel my disbelief in the news message. All nine of the primary parking lots were full as we drove past the Obama protestors and continued further around the Nutter Center following the long line of traffic. People walking up to the Center from the far parking lots wore patriotic colors and carried flags, banners and other signs. People smiled and they waved and we knew we were part of something much bigger than ourselves. As we finally were making our own way up the Nutter Center and the stairs that led inside to the rally, it became real to me when I spotted the farm of satellite news trucks that were here to cover this moment. Somehow knowing that CNN, MSNBC, FOX, ABC, CBS and all the other local affiliates were onsite made it all the more real to me. We went through the metal detectors and my son was wanded, security personnel were stationed everywhere. A man who tried to go through with a pocket knife was turned away. We had left later than we should have and by the time we were inside the stadium it was standing room only. We stood just inside the doors of Gate 6 up at the top with a section designated for handicapped individuals. The stadium was packed solid and we were just in time for the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem. I watched with respect and tears in my eyes as the people around me in wheelchairs rose to their feet to place their hands over their hearts and say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the Star Spangled Banner. We watched throughout the event as newscasters were on camera and telling the story. The media was setup on bleachers and there were tables full of laptops that glowed in the dim lighting. The anticipation was palpable in the air as the crowd listened to the speakers, cheered for Ohio, our candidate and our country, John McCain was a few minutes late in arriving and the noise level was deafening as he took the stage to address us. People rose to their feet, flags were flying, signs were being waved and people screamed to finally see John McCain in person. He only took a few minutes to make the announcement and people were noticeably nodding their heads in the audience as he began to refer to his running mate as 'she'. Then he finally said the words that we came here to hear. He announced that he had selected Sarah Palin as "exactly what America needs". She came out then with her family and again the crowd went wild with excitement. As we finally quieted down she began to speak and immediately had our attention as she introduced herself and her family. She began to connect with us as she told us about her background, her beliefs, and called herself a simple "hockey mom". She was poised, elegant and perfect in her statements. I was not surprised when she mentioned the women that had come before her, both Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton. This was a politically strategic decision that John McCain made for many reasons. One is that he does want to try to get a good portion of those Hillary Clinton woman that are still angry about how Hillary was treated by the Democrats as detailed in an article here. He also needed to take the spotlight away from both the week of the DNC and Barack Obama's acceptance speech. He certainly did that with this announcement. As the rally concluded we left past those news satellite trucks again and walked with the masses back to our cars passing the McCain bus on the way. We were energized and excited knowing that this amazing presidential race had taken another historic turn right here in Dayton, Ohio. |
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- bednarzblogsphere.blogspot.com/...And that, my friends, is the kind of change we need right now. Thank you. John McCain
- marksardella.wordpress.com/...Ayla and Arianna joined Brown, McCain and Tisei on stage for a closing scene of unity. Before...on Twitter Share this: Facebook Twitter Email Digg Reddit StumbleUpon Print Like this: Like...
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