About 'john mccain faith of my fathers'|..., I’d go to Faith of My Fathers, Senator John McCain’s autobiographical story of his... A Congress of Peeps. John Edwards had...
When Colin Powell endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for President on Sunday's Meet the Press he also rejected the the extreme right wing of the Republican party, Sen. John McCain's erratic behavior and his selection of the unprepared Sarah Palin as a running mate. George Will was right in characterizing Palin as the female Sancho Panza to McCain's Don Quixote. For those who may have forgotten, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra presents Quixote as the antithesis to orthodoxy, truth, veracity and nationalism and Panza as the ever faithful and simple conspirator in his fantasies who unintentionally deceives him. Whereas Don Quixote was an influential work of literature, McCain is instructional in both reactionary politics and dysfunctional development McCain's dysfunctional development begins with his father and grandfather. He admits in his family memoir, that his grandfather was a hard drinker, who smoked, swore and gambled at every opportunity and his father was an out-and-out alcoholic. According to William R. Lovallo, Director of the Behavioral Sciences Laboratories at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Oklahoma City " Everyone with a family history of alcoholism is at risk for developing alcohol abuse disorders, but males who also have behavioral disinhibition are at the greatest risk." Lovallo points out that: "The development of alcoholism among individuals with a family history of alcoholism is about four to eight times more common than it is among individuals with no such family history." Further, Peter R. Finn, Professor of psychology at Indiana University, Bloomington, reports that: "Prior research has shown that male gender and behavioral disinhibition are strong predictors of alcohol problems." "Behavioral disinhibition is characterized by an apparent insensitivity to punishment, an increased sensitivity to immediate rewards, a tendency to prefer immediate smaller rewards as opposed to larger long-term rewards, and a failure to consider and inhibit behavior when aversive consequences are likely. Lovallo also reports that individuals coming from a family with alcoholism, tend to like risk taking, and break rules as part of behavioral disinhibition. McCain's maverick reputation masks this disinhibition. Indeed, McCain himself points out, in his memoir, that he has spent much of his life choosing to act carelessly often with "no better reason than to indulge a conceit." Finn also reports that "individuals with a family history and with behavioral disinhibition appear to have working-memory deficits and male individuals are attracted to the rewarding aspects of a risk-taking challenge." McCain's careless behavior is obvious in his flying activities. Reports show that In 1960, he crashed his AD-6 Skyraider into Corpus Christi Bay, shearing the skin off his planes wings. The crash was one of three early in his aviation career in which his flying skills and judgment were faulted or questioned by Navy officials. In his most serious lapse while flying, McCain was "clowning" around in a Skyraider over southern Spain in December 1961 and flew into electrical wires, causing a blackout, according to McCain's own account as well as those of naval officers and enlistees aboard the carrier Intrepid. In another incident, in 1965, McCain crashed a T-2 trainer jet in Virginia. After McCain was sent to Vietnam, his plane was destroyed in an explosion on the deck of an aircraft carrier in 1967. Three months later, he was shot down during a bombing mission over Hanoi and taken prisoner. In addition McCain spent his teens and 20's constantly flirting with disciplinary disaster by breaking every drinking and curfew rule on the books, concentrating more on a Brazilian heiresses and Florida strippers than on his military discipline skills. McCain, as did his father, showed a poor working memory as reflected by their classroom performance at the Annapolis Naval Academy. The future senator graduated 894th out of a class of 899, but that was only marginally worse than his father, who was 423rd out of 441. His reckless behavior continued well after his military experience. Shortly after being elected to Congress, he got caught up in the "Keating Five" scandal, in which he was disciplined for pressuring regulators to go easy on the savings and loan magnate (and generous campaign donor) Charles Keating. According to Mapes, et al, children from families with at least one alcoholic parent develop relatively inflexible roles in order to cope with societal demands and expectations while also managing the additional stress brought into the family system by alcoholism. McCain's perceived maverick charm is actually an inflexible and rigid personality. His inflexibility and rigidity shows up when he talks about patriotism. In "Worth the Fighting For, " he says that patriotism should transcend all sectarian, regional, and commercial conflicts to fortify the publics allegiance to the national community. Patriotism is laudable but it comes in many different forms. Individuals who disagree on war or immigration or other policies are just as patriotic as those who support those activities assuming, of course, that those disagreements are not expressed in violent behavior. However, if you watch McCain closely you will see that even when he changes his mind he most always expresses the new view in rigid patriotic terms while casting disingenuous attacks on others with dissimilar views. McCain"s appeals to patriotism is nothing more than an attempt to increase his own self-esteem, and satisfy a psychological need for social recognition, public honor, affection, prestige, and even wealth. These needs were set early in his childhood primary as the result of an absent father, who when he was present was an alcoholic. His distorted view of patriotism was hardened by the shame he suffered after breaking down and revealing Naval secrets to his captors, and publicly "confessing to war crimes," while a captive in Viet Nam. Patriotic rigidity is an extreme form of altruism. McCain wrote in Worth the Fighting For that: "National pride should be as indispensable to the happiness of Americans as is our self-respect." By being altruistic, is his way of overcoming his self-imposed shame. A clear example of his altruistic behavior is reflected in his desire to stay in the Viet Nam prison rather than accept a release. This act was less a commitment to his fellow prisoners and more an emotional need to suffer punishment in return for a future of hero worship. As an altruist, McCain continually injects himself with a dose of patriotic self esteem as seen in his speeches. Unfortunately, he is willing to suffer war, just as he did imprisonment, for a future of even higher boosts of self-esteem and hero worship. This is consistent with the findings of Antonio Damasio, who says:"war is the greatest form of altruism, where a person is willing to suffer immediate discomfort and pain for future rewards, positive social payoffs and the ability to shame and disgrace others who did not serve. While there is no such thing as altruist truth it doesn't stop McCain and his supports from constantly rallying around his view of patriotism and nationalism. However, his view of facts, his internal beliefs, his feelings and intentions are rooted in a warrior alcoholic subculture which has created, in him, an insatiable desire for recognition And when the rewards are not forthcoming, he will create a crisis in an attempt to again feel the delight of recognition. Unfortunately, such behavior is inherently biased but it does shape how he makes decisions. Therefore, when the world varies from his warrior beliefs, both his emotions and brain engage to push him to try and bring the world back into his perspective of order; even if it means making erratic decisions or going to war. Damasio points out that "When either brain or culture is defective, decisions and actions are unlikely to be adaptive". McCain's treatment of individuals who disagree with him is often inflexible and even hostile as represented in his treatment of the families of MIA's and POWs as explored in: McCain The Manchurian Candidate; Exploiting Military Service for Political Gain,. Damasio's point that "war is the greatest form of altruism", helps explain why McCain stubbornly and distinctly continues to support the war in Iraq, his support of the Iraq Contra affair, his warmongering talk about Iran,his hard-line position on North Korea, and his criticism of the Pentagon for failing to intervene in Darfur and Rwanda and his support for air strikes in Pakistan among other things. During the Bush-Cheney administration the doctrine of separation of powers was crushed in spite of the warnings from Baron Action (1834-1902) that: "power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Putting such power in the hands of an individual with extreme altruistic views of patriotism can only lead to a continuation of one international conflict after another. And the thought of a female Sancho Panza inheriting those wartime powers is too scary to contemplate. The opening sentence of Don Quixote says "de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme." Translated it means: "whose name I do not want to remember." It's time to send McCain and Palin back to La Mancha and forgive them their trespasses. Sources: Action, John Emerich Edward Dalberg first Baron Acton Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely at: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/288200.html Damasio, Antonio R., "Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain", at: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/014303622X/interworpartners Factchecking debate no. 2 at: http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/factchecking_debate_no_2.html Kessler, Glenn, "McCain Breaks with Bush Over North Korea," at: http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/05/26/mccain_breaks_with_bush_over_n.html McCain, John and Salter, Mark, "Faith of My Fathers: A Family Memoir," at: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0061734950/interworpartners McCain, John and Salter, Mark, "Worth-Fighting-Education-American-Maverick," at: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/081296974x/interworpartners McCain, John, "Strategy for Victory in Iraq", at: http://www.johnmccain.com/Informing/Issues/FDEB03A7-30B0-4ECE-8E34-4C7EA83F11D8.htm McGreer, Michael M., "McCain; The Manchurian Candidate; Exploiting Military Service for Political Gain," at: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1028224/mccain_the_manchurian_candidate_.html?cat=75 McGreer, Michael M., The Zero Sum Economy," at: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1049740/the_zerosum_economy.html?cat=75 Schor, Elana, "Democrats threaten to hit McCain on Iran-Contra link; John McCain tied to group that helped fund right-wing guerrillas during the 1980s," http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/oct/07/uselections2008.johnmccain2 SMH.com, "McCain defends Pakistan airstrike", http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/mccain-defends-pakistan-airstrike/2006/01/16/1137259968096.html SourceWatch,"Troop surge in Iraq: Sen. John McCain and the surge," at:http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Troop_surge_in_Iraq:_Sen._John_McCain_and_the_surge T., Bud, "Risk Factors: Family History of Alcoholism, Disinhibition Risks Indicate Probability, Not Certainty," at: http://alcoholism.about.com/od/genetics/a/blacer060508.htm YouTube, "Bomb,bomb,bomb, bomb, bomb", Iran at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-zoPgv_nYg Vernonie, Linda, Fruehstorfer, David B., "Gender, Birth Order and Family Role Identification among Adult Children of Alcoholics," http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-723362_ITM Vartabedian, Ralph, Serrano, Richard "Mishaps mark John McCain's record as naval aviator," at: http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-aviator6-2008oct06,0,7633315.story Welch, Matt, "Be Afraid of President McCain; The frightening mind of an authoritarian maverick," at: http://www.reason.com/news/show/118937.html Will, George, "Is This It", at: http://townhall.com/columnists/GeorgeWill/2008/10/09/is_this_it Wikipedia, "Don Quixote", at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Quixote Wikipedia, "George Will," at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Will Wikipedia, "Miguel de Cervantes", at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_de_Cervantes Wikipedi, "Phineas Gage", at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage Wikipedia, "Quixotism", at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quixotism Wikipedia, "Sancho Panza"at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sancho_Panza Wikipedia, "Separation of powers under the United States Constitution,", at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_powers_under_the_United_States_Constitution |
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